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  • Title: Commentary on "Käsebier studio, Sioux Indians drawing"
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Commentary on "Käsebier studio, Sioux Indians drawing"

This Käsebier image of four of the Indians at a table, or even just having a board on their lap, drawing, is such a great snapshot. It's so informal, where Käsebier has turned her camera on to these men in a very casual moment where they're just drawing whatever they want to draw. Here we have Chief Iron Tail, Sammy Lone Bear, Joe Black Fox, Phillip Standing Soldier close together, maybe talking about whatever's on their mind or talking about each other's drawings, and Käsebier being able to potentially keep those drawings. We know she got fifteen drawings from the group, but this image that shows a little bit of the studio background, a little bit of each of what the Indians are wearing, it's just a fun moment that they shared in the studio and one that I'm glad Käsebier was able to capture.

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