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  • Title: Cody Trading Company sales, December 1917
  • Date: December 1917
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Cody Trading Co.
It Pays to Pay Cash
Wholesale and Retail
Cody, Wyoming.
J. M. Schwoob M'g'r.
Established 1898
Groceries, O. V. B. Hardware, Majestic Ranges, Retort Heaters, Enameled Ware and Anti-Rust Tinware, Cutlery, Canvas Goods, Tents, Harness and Saddles, Oliver Plows, Studebager Wagons and Buggies, Deering and McCormick Machinery, Stackers and Sweeps, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Sweet-Orr Corduroys, Staley Underwear, Kuppenheimer Clothing, Refrigerators, Oils and Paints, Crockery, Glassware, Trunks, Suit-Cases, Bedding and Sporting Goods and Furnishings.


Dec. 1, 574.96
 "  3, 738.72
 "  4,- 369.07
 "  5, 367.30
 "  6, 519.84
 "  7, 755.24
 "  8, 889.13
 "  10, 390.76
 "  11, 283.48
 "  12, 474.41
 "  13, 438.42
 "  14, 317.53
 "  15, 749.75
 "  17, 357.13
 "  18, 472.21
 "  19, 475.11
 "  20, 559.55
 "  21, 615.92
 "  22, 1345.16
 "  24, 1483.61
 "  26, 332.67
 "  27, 502.90
 "  28, 423.20
 "  29, 624.12
 "  31, 1011.58

Sales, December 1916.



Nov. 1, $854.10
 "   2, 579.05
 "  3, 1153.80
 "  5, 498.16
 "  6, 536.38
 "  7, 755.51
 "  8, 401.92
 "  9, 616.35
 "  10, 820.39
 "  12, 1083.44
 "  13, 648.25
 "  14, 468.55
 "  15, 339.35
 "  16, 385.99
 "  17, 710.86
 "  19, 1138.42
 "  20, 917.18
 "  21, 572.93
 "  22, 512.08
 "  23, 453.84
 "  24, 592.13
 "  26, 1315.64
 "  27, 548.16
 "  28, 874.17
 "  30, 584.75

November 1916,

  • Title: Cody Trading Company sales, December 1917
  • Source: McCracken Research Library, MS407 Bronson Rumsey Collection, MS407.1.12.21
  • Date: December 1917
  • Sponsor: Supported in part by a grant from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, a program of the Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.
  • Editorial Statement | Conditions of Use
  • TEI encoded XML: wfc.bsn00087.xml
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