[Letterhead imprint: Buffalo Bill's Wild West]
Colorado Springs, Colo. Sept 3rd, 1908. Major John R. Brennen. Pine Ridge Agency, S. D. My Dear Major Brennen:—Ghost Dog [1] who has been with my Company for several years has returned to the Agency, having been summoned there by his family who I understand have been in poor health. I want to tell you that Ghost Dog has been a good man while in my employ and I am glad to recommend him to all as such. I had John Long Bull examined by a very able physician in Omaha and am sorry to say he is suffering from consumption. [2] I had him sent home where I hope the air will be more agreeable to his complaint.
I also wish to let you know that Bad Cob [3] with his wife and boy, also Alfred Black Bear [4] and Takes Away From Them [5] left us at Sioux City Iowa on August 27th without my consent or knowledge, and that Red Bear [6] deserted at Omaha, thereby breaking their contract with me. I mention these facts simply that you may know them.
With kindest regards, I am yours truly W. F. CodyNote 1: Ghost Dog's contracts with Cody and his partners for the 1907, 1908, and 1910 show seasons are at the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. A man named Ghost Dog performed with the Wild West in Britain in 1892, and lost his infant daughter in a riding accident. A man of this name is listed as a resident of the Pine Ridge reservation in censuses of 1894, 1895, and 1896. [back]
Note 2: Possibly the man named John Long Bull listed as a resident of the Pine Ridge reservation in censuses of 1892, 1894, and 1895. Contracts between John Long Bull and Buffalo Bill's Wild West for the 1906 and 1907 show seasons are in the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. "Consumption" was a common term for tuberculosis. [back]
Note 3: A man named Bad Cob is listed as a resident of the Pine Ridge reservation in censuses of 1892, 1894, 1895, and 1896. Bad Cob's contract with Buffalo Bill's Wild West for the 1908 season is in the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. Bad Cob was one of three Lakota men who met with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in New York City earlier in 1908, complaining of very limited employment opportunities on the reservation. [back]
Note 4: Alfred Black Bear's contract with Buffalo Bill's Wild West for the 1908 show season is at the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. [back]
Note 5: This may be Herbert Takes Away From Them, whose contract with Buffalo Bill's Wild West for the 1908 show season is at the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. [back]
Note 6: Possibly Edgar Red Bear, whose contract with Buffalo Bill's Wild West for the 1908 show season is at the Kansas City branch of the National Archives. Edgar Red Bear is listed on census rolls for the Pine Ridge reservation for the years 1894, 1895, and 1896. [back]