Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined With Pawnee Bill's Great Far East.
Now. Frank.I can make it interresting for you. Will give you a good commission on all the stock you can sell. Besides present you with some of the stock. I have $100,000 worth of prefered stock of this company that draws 10%-interest. there is only $200,000 of this prefered. out of 5,000,000 which makes it very attractive. The owner of this stock is bund to get his 10% annually. before any other dividends are declaired. I know I you can make some good money for your self. as well as in helping me.
Keep me posted by telegraph send them collect.
WillBuffalo Bills Hotel in the Rockies The Irma Col. W. Coy, Prop. F.H. Garlow, Mgr Cody, Wyoming
Mr. J. Frank Cody. London, Ontario. 71 Stanley St.,
Note: Envelope glued to bottom of letter. Exact year is not known; letter date ascribed by full term of combined Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill shows (1909-1914).