The Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) Historical Pictures Co. F. G. Bonfils, President Col. W.F. Cody, Vice-President Geo K. Spoor, Treasurer H.H. Tammen, Secretary 237 Symes Building Denver, Colo. 521 First National Bank Bldg. Chicago. Ill.
TE. Ranch. Cody. Wyo Col Clarence Buell & WifeWere you ever in Hanibal Mo? They tell me I was there this last fall. And that you both visited me there. And that you sat out on a rail road tie for two hours waiting for me to get up. And that we visited Mark Twains Monument. I dont remember anything but the Bar And Mo toddies. Well I am here at my home ranch in the rockies. Writing my trail of 69 years or the memories of my life. I find I have got to put in a lot of drunks to liven the book. Who ever heared of anything funny without Booze. Mrs Buell will quit you should she ever read this Book. Write me.
Love to you both CodyW. F. Cody "Buffalo Bill" This is the first legitimate enterprise that, with experience and good faith, has immortalized the stirring events of American history and Indian fighting into moving pictures. The people of all the world know Col. William F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"). His name is an honored name in every army post of the United States. He is the friend of General Nelseon A. Miles, who accepted at Pine Ridge the final surrender of the fighting Indians of North America. His name is the name of the victories of American civilization, and, in order to give the best that is to the eyes of the world these impressive, historical moving scenes will be produced under the direction of the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company of Chicago.
Note: Year 1915 is determined by letter content; Hannibal, Missouri, was the performance venue on three occasions: August 20, 1898; September 29, 1911; and September 26, 1914.