The Leading Hotel With Modern Improvements. Sumner House E.D. Ely, Prop'r. Mr. J. W. Hutton Will remain in the office.
Akron, O. Feb 12 1882 My. Dear. Al.Enclosed find draft for. $500.00. have written you to buy ten or fifteen more mares[?] if you can get them right. I did not go to Cleveland to day will be there tomorrow. and then I am going to find out about the property. Aunt Elvia is mad at me. for this suit is going to prove Joseph Cody. the biggest rascal that ever went unhung. Strange she could live with him so long and not know that he was a rascal. I seen Aunt Margret yesterday. allso Cousin Sophia Decker and her husband. Decker has been to Cleveland several times to see about this business he says as soon as we commence suit we will have no trouble in getting the present owners to compromise and he says $10,000 would do him more good even than a hundred thousand twenty years from now. he feels sure of our getting some thing.
I tell you that Uncle Joe was a dandy. I hope we will get something more on account of the girls than myself for I can make all the money I want.
Will write you from. C
Love to all Yours. BillDont fear of my takeing to much risk. if there is anything there for my sisters I will get it for them.
Note: First line of letter: may be "mules" instead of "mares."