Feb 3th
Dear. Sister.Your Letter recd — found me still playing in poor luck Money is awful scarse and the Exposition. a financial failure— Now if any of you have friends coming where I am I will always be glad to see and entertain them all I can. I am always glad to hear from you. & Al and the children. About the Cleveland suit Judge Thoman informs me that its not abandoned
by any means— Now about that Note— Arta does not even answer my letters any more or acknowledge the receipt of money I send her— so I cant get the Note— I think if you would write Arta she would send it to you— or I will send you a receipt in full how much was the Note for? I am in Als debt Not he in mine. And ere long I hope to more than pay him— I am glad your Boys promises so well— and I hope they will more than realize what you expect of them.
Note: Letter is handwritten in blue pencil; the year "1883" appears in black pencil and is not guaranteed to be written by Cody; further research is recommended to confirm year.