American Hotel Opposite the State Capitol. Daniel Macauley, W .H. McMonigal Prop'rs.
Columbus, O. Sep 28th 1885 My Dear Bro AlYours from Wichita just came. I hope you wont settle definately until I can get home about Nov 1st. for I feel certain I will want you to come and take my ranch and she is one of the finest in America to day. And with you at its head to stay we could make it the best by long odds of any ranch in America so don't be in to big a hurry about settleing any place for at least six weeks yet. Take it easy— look around dont jump to quick But if you come to take my place I want you to come for life. No more hoofing around the country. Love to all love to Cousin Arta. My Arta comes to see me in St. Louis—
Our Cleveland suit is bound to come our way.
Keep cool— Bro.Will
Note: Exact year not known with certainty, though 1885 appears likely since Cody makes reference to Arta visiting him in St. Louis where BBWW appeared October 3-11, 1885. MS6 has the year question-marked as 1882, but that date is unlikely since the Combination was in Iowa on September 28, 1882. The added '5' entered in pencil is not WFC's handwriting and may have been entered later.