Buffalo Bill's Wild West Co. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury, Vice-President. John M. Burke, Gen. Manager.
July 30 188 My Dear O DwyerHave written Friend Bell— Am glad you have got there. Now you old mule skinner. if You dont prove your self a good man— You will be tied behind a wagon by the thumbs and led[?] for three days—
Regards to familyYour friend Bill Cody
Note: MS6 dates this letter 1888. Brian Keating O'Dwyer was a government scout, wagon master, teamster, and Dodge City, Kansas, saloon keeper in the 1870s. 'Friend Bell' refers to John S. Bell, director of the U. S. Secret Service from 1888-1890, to whom Cody wrote to request a commission for O'Dwyer.