The New Hoffman House, Absolutely Fire Proof. Madison Square.
New York, Jan. 25 1896 My. Dear. PeakeYours to hand. And I regret much that you are going to leave the Press. But as you say Mrs W. can get a man much cheaper to do the work. But I fear not nearly so good. I will be grattified to know that you have not left us entirely [?] will interest you in the Advertising department I have just written Mrs W. about transportation &c—
You have my best wishes where ever you go— Allways your friend W. F. CodyNote: John A. Peake was editor of the Cody Enterprise, having co-founded the Enterprise with WFC August 1899. "Mrs. W." might be a reference to Helen Cody Wetmore (WFC's sister), who was in the newspaper business at that time.