Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Norfolk V. A. [1]Apr 27th 1901 My Dear Hinkle
Thanks for finding out about those hot springs near Cody— now what I want to know is what the State proposes to do with them. [2] You know I am working hard to establish a Military College in our state— and it will be a great advertisement for the state. [3] And as I was the first man to make application to the state for those mineral waters I should be considdered— And as I am bringing the Military College— I should know as soon as possible. Please find out what I can do to get use of those springs.
And let me know at once—
Very truly yours W. F. CodyPS. Telegraph me if the school town section is allright now [4] —

Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Hinkle fix this business up for me and I will make it all right with you. I want to get control of those springs—

10 -—of cubic ft
130,000 Gals per day
to [?] soon nor used as asked for.
Make plans of how to be use & how constructed, buildings &c.
Can get some water for use whether it will be perpetual or as same as other people [?]
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Norfolk, Virginia, on April 27, 1901. [back]
Note 2: Cody refers to DeMaris Springs; William F. Cody had inquired about his application for water rights at the springs in a letter to Hinkle dated April 15, 1901. [back]
Note 3: William F. Cody's letter to Hinkle, dated April 15, 1901, had also mentioned the military college. [back]
Note 4: William F. Cody may refer to the process of securing legal ownership of his portion of the townsite of Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 5: Here begins a set of penciled notes, not in Cody's handwriting, on the back of the second sheet of the letter. The handwriting is similar to that found on the back of the last sheet of Cody's letter to Hinkle dated April 15, 1901. [back]