Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Pottsville, Pa, June 4th, 1901. [1] My dear Hinkle:—I wrote you some time ago that I wanted to put in an application for some of the waters of those mineral springs to be used for the benefit of humanity. [2] The cost of the work to make those waters available to mankind will be enormous and until this money is spent no benefit of any magnitude can come to the public from these waters. I now have surveyors an and draughtsmen at work near there on the Cody & Salsbury canal that I can have make plans, maps &c for the State officials that cannot fail to convince them that it is for the benefit of the whole public that these springs be given over to capital that will improve them and bring within the reach of the public their health giving qualities. As the waters are now they can only be of use to a very few at any season of the year while in May, June and July they are unaccessable, being covered by the river. There are no accomodations for the public so that from November to March they are again not accessable. Please see officials and let me know.
Very truly yours, W. F. CodyP S When I was in Washington W. A. Richards told me the segregation papers for the land under the Cody & Sal sbury canal would be ready in sixty days. [3] What do you know about this?
W. F. C.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Pottsville PA. Jun 3 / 6- -PM, 1901
United States Postage 2 Two Cents 2
C. L. Hinkle State Land Board Cheyenne Wyo.
Note 1: Although this letter is dated June 4, 1901, the postmark is for June 3. Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, on June 3. [back]
Note 2: William F. Cody wrote several letters to Hinkle in 1901 in an unsuccessful effort to obtain water rights at DeMaris Springs. [back]
Note 3: Former Wyoming governor W. A. Richards was then assistant commissioner of the U.S. General Land Office. [back]