Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Olney- Ill [1] Sep— 24th 1901 My. Dear. HinkleYour favor of Sep 20th received-—Just a couple of days ago I had written you on the same subject— As per your letter you will be in St Louis next Sunday 29th — And I will be in Bellville Ill. about fourteen miles from St Louis— Torlly [2] cars connection I wish you would run over to Belleville either Sunday or Monday— I have several things I want to see you on—
Please let me know if I may expect you— I will be in my private car near the depot— Sunday— I may not reach Belleville till near noon Sunday as its a long run—
Very truly yours W. F. Cody
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
I have changed my running time And will arrive in Belleville Early Monday morning—come & see me Monday come direct to show ground [3]
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Olne Sep 24 8PM ILL.
United States Postage 2 Two Cents 2
C. L. Hinkle c/-Dr- Horner-E. Bailey [4] 404. Century- Bldg 9th & Olive. St Louis MO
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Olney, Illinois, on September 24, 1901. [back]
Note 2: Probably a misspelling for "trolley." [back]
Note 3: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Belleville, Illinois, on September 30, 1901. [back]
Note 4: Probably Homer Edward Bailey (1867-1939), a practitioner of osteopathic medicine. [back]