Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Atlanta GaOct- 21/01 [1] My. Dear. Hinkle
I have sent my route before but Send it again—As I am anxious to have something along the lines we talked of when I reach. New.York and want to pay rent on my leased lands to Tynan [2]
Yours truly W. F. Cody
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Atlanta, Ga, 1901 OCT 21 530 PM
United States Postage 2 Two Cents 2
C. L. Hinkle State Land Boar[d] Cheyenne Wyo
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Atlanta on October 21, 1901. [back]
Note 2: Very likely Thomas T. Tynan (1860-1925), who was Wyoming's superintendent of public instruction from 1899 to 1907. The superintendent of public instruction served as a member of the state board of land commissioners. Cody's rent for lands leased from the state would be payable to the board. Tynan later served as mayor of Sheridan, Wyoming, from 1914 to 1915. [back]