The New
Hoffman House,
Madison Square,
J. P. Caddagan, Manager.
Absolutely Fire Proof.
I forgot to ask you. If you have heard when that six mile strip of land next the Timber Reserve is going to be surveyed [1] — I hope it will be done early this spring before high water.
Yours truly W. F. Cody
Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill) President.
Nate Salsbury. Vice President & Manager.
Maj. Hon M. Burke Genl. Mgr. Jule Keen Bus. Mgr & Treas.
Madison. Sq. Sta. NY 1902 Mar 20 8-PM
United States Postage 2 Two Cents 2
C. L. Hinkle State Land Board Cheyenne Wyo
Note 1: The "Timber Reserve" Cody mentions here was the Yellowstone National Park Timber Land Reserve, established in 1891. The reserve was later divided into several national forests. Assuming that the land parcel William F. Cody describes in this letter was east of Yellowstone and near the town of Cody, Wyoming, it is now known as the Shoshone National Forest. [back]