Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Trenton. N. J.May 22nd 1902 Dear Julia
Recd your letter this morning. I think I can get you transportation—North Platte to Rawlins & back to Denver. It would give you a good insite to how a hotel is run if you could spend two or three weeks with your Rawlings friends—And study it well. from the buying of provisions cooking them. serveing them— wages of cooks helpers. waiters & c. I think I should build an outside house for Laundry. & sleeping rooms for servants. What do you think? You will have to study how to run the bed rooms. how often sheets are changed—how many rooms one chambermaid takes care of & c. I am going to buy the very best of furniture & bedsteads & matrasses. have got fine oil paintings for office Parlors & dining
room. And over two hundred etchings from the paintings of artists like Fred Remington & others all framed— I will have two Pianos one for Parlor. & one for dining room. I tell
you I am going to have this hotel out of sight—I will make it the talk of the West—
I think I have found a manager and one without a wife—I dont want any wife to be bothering you. You are to be the mother of that hotel— Let I play Denver Aug. 6th & 7th You could make your visit to Rawlings in July then Aug the 8th start for Cody— Your future home. I have got a mountain picked out big enough for us all to be burried on. Finley wrote me and wanted me to start him with a harness shop. I told him that he must first proove to
me that he was worthy of it. So far he had not made a hit with me. I was so in hopes that he would be another Roy Meyers or Johnie Baker— And let us hope he may yet. When he proves he is worthy. And capable I will do the right thing by him. but not till he shows me. I have a nice little 160 acre farm ten miles from Cody— a nice six room log house on it all fenced the river runs through it. the finest pure water spring in the country close to the house I have put a man and wife on it. to raise chickens. make butter. And next year vegetables for the hotel— the chickens & butter will be ready for the hotel Sep 15th. This will be the hotel farm.
Note: Letter and envelope. Julia Cody Goodman (1843-1928) was WFC's elder sister (and eldest). "Finley" refers to Julia's son Finley Goodman (1880-1951). Roy Myers (1881-1919) was son of WFC's sister Eliza Alice Cody Myers (1848-1902). Johnny Baker (1869-1931) was WFC's foster son. "Fred Remington" was Frederic Remington (1861-1909), the artist and friend of WFC's. Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Trenton, New Jersey, May 22, 1902, which confirms the year.