Scout's Rest Ranch.
Baled Alfalfa and Prairie Hay.
North Platte, Neb.
Mrs. W. F. Cody, Owner.
F. H. Garlow, Manager.
I arrived here this morning in fine health. But very tired. Had so much to do at Cody in a snow storm. and so short a time to do it all in- Besides my own business. I had so much to do for the town. which they expect me to do.
[1] as I am heavly
interrested there. And being the father of the town. when I am there they expect me to lead, I received several letters today from Col Dyer. And a coppy of a letter you wrote him Mar 26th And every statement contained in that letter. are exactly as you state them to the best of my memory. I will write Col Dyer. And see what time will suit him best to come to New York. then will let you know so we can get together. If it will not be too late perhaps the week I show Brooklyn would be best. I open in Brooklyn Monday Apr 29 for week.
[2] I havent heard a word about the Brady note.
[3] My dates. I will arrive Waldorf morning 11th &12th. then I go to Trenton.
[4] Or may go to Trenton
first. reaching Waldorf 12th .Will let you know. I am very busy here going over the ranch with my son in law. Mr Garlow. And am to speak at Commercial Club here tomorrow evening.
[5] leaving here Sunday night. Speak before the Commercial Club of Omaha Monday 8th. Dod rot this speaking job.
Good luck. I like you— ex haste. A lot of town people Just drove out to see me. More talk & I am tired with man a big bunch of mail as yet unopened.
Return in Ten Days to
Scout's Rest Ranch,
F. H. Garlow, Mgr.
North Platte, - - - Nebraska.
North Platte Nebr. Apr-6 10-30A 1912
U. S. Postage Two Cents
Clarence. W. Rowley 638. Old South Building Boston Mass
Note 1: William F. Cody had strong business and personal ties to the town of Cody, Wyoming, from the town's founding in 1895 to his death in 1917. [back]
Note 2: Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined with Pawnee Bill's Great Far East performed in Brooklyn from April 29 to May 5, 1912. [back]
Note 3: This seems to be a note for $14,000 signed by Col. Dyer, Cody's partner in his unprofitable Arizona mining ventures. This note was sold to investors in Kansas City by "one R. Brady," according to an account published in Sarah J. Blackstone, The Business of Being Buffalo Bill: Selected Letters of William F. Cody, 1879-1917 (New York: Praeger, 1988), p. 97. [back]
Note 4: Cody is not known to have performed in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1912. The "Waldorf" is very likely the Waldorf-Astoria, a leading hotel in New York City. [back]
Note 5: Many cities and towns in Nebraska and other Great Plains states had "Commercial Clubs" in the early twentieth century. They seem to have been roughly equivalent to a present-day Chamber of Commerce. Both "Commercial Clubs" and "Chambers of Commerce" were represented at the first annual meeting of the National Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries in 1915. [back]
Note 6: A mild oath, equivalent to "God rot it." [back]