Burlington, Iowa, April 5th, 1900. My dear Colonel Cody:I have this morning received your letter of April 2d, for which I am much obliged.
When in Sheridan, about ten days ago, I asked Mr. Alger the question which he repeated to you, and your prompt and cordial response will help us in deciding upon our plans.
What we are now considering is the expediency of beginning construction this summer, with the idea that if everything is favorable we shall complete the lines as far as Cody in 1901. The value of that region, as a contributor to a railroad, must depend largely on what is developed in the way of mines of one kind or another; and if, as we all hope, rich developments are made in the Sunlight Basin and elsewhere, it will give a stimulous to everything, including the rapid construction of our road.
I shall send a copy of your letter to Mr. Holdrege, and, in due time, he will see or communicate with your local people, with a view to such arrangement of details as may be mutually satisfactory.
Thanking you for your assurances of co-operation, and hoping that everything will go as you and I want it to, I am,
Yours very truly, (Sgd.) C. E. Perkins. Col. W. F. Cody, Hoffman House, New York City.