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  • Title: Letter from Wilber C. Knight to C. H. Morrill, November 27, 1899
  • Date: November 27, 1899
  • Author: Knight, Wilber C.
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The University of Wyoming. School of Mines. Department of Mining and Geology. Wilbur C. Knight, Professor. Charles H. Fulton, Instructor. C. H. Morrill, Esq., Lincoln, Nebr. Dear Sir:—

A portion of your letter of the 24 inst. to Prof. has been referred to me for answer.

In the Big Horn Basin there has been numerous coal veins uncovered; but so far as I am aware the coals are not first class. On the other hand there is no reason why good coal should not be found. I enclose you such analysis as I have. I have other samples that I have not had time to work with.

Semi-anthracite has been found in local broken down veins near Bufalo; but it has no commercial importance. I know of a region in Central Wyo. where there is every reason for believing that there is antracite, and should the Burlington build as per their new preliminary they will pass near it. I also know of many localities where there are coal fields that are well worth looking up — especially near the new Burlington survey. The way matters stand at present there has never been such opportunities for people to make good investments as at present. The coal lands I refer to are on the public domain and subject to be located by any citizen under regulation of the law.

The nearest coal to Hartville is the lignite beds of the Platte which outcrop at Douglas and to the north and east. There is a chance that these may be converted into fuel fit to reduce iron ore. If I can be of any service to you, call upon me. I am the first geologist turned out by the U. of N. and have made Wyoming geology my hobby. Dr. Barbour can tell you something of me; also Prof. Nicholson. I send you with this my Bulletin 14 which may give you some very general information.

Very truly, (Signed) Wilbur C. Knight.
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