Boston, Oct. 8th, 1899.(Original to G. W. Holdrege, Oct. 11/99, to be handed to Mr. Perkins when in Nebraska.) Copy in Letter File.
Dear Perkins:I read those "Big Horn" letters over again before Howland returned them to you. I also talked with Paine; he answered my objection to its being purely a mining road with no other business by saying that 100 miles could not be built in the mountains without some valuable mines being found in the vicinity. The road will certainly cost more now than later, for from the papers I judge that labor is scarce in the West, and we know as to steel rails. Why the Northern Pacific does not object, I can't imagine. The letters stated that that road did not, but the map makes the statement look strange. There are so many questions involved that I hardly know what to say. Could not the Northern Pacific hurt us very much at Billings if they get put out with us for building this branch? What is the position now at Billings? Are we not much more dependent on the Northern Pacific at Billings than they on us? I am not very enthusiastic over new roads, as you know, and the uncertainties of a mining road simply do not appeal to me strongly. The money question is of little importance. I look for full rates for the next few months, but can see nothing to cause any trouble. I think the high money rates may induce holders of 3-1/2% bonds to sell for the object of getting better returns for this money, and perhaps buying back again at a lower price. I think that any plan of refunding our 7% bonds must be taken up before Jan. 1st, or be put off for a long time. What road can get into the "Basin" but the Northern Pacific, if so, why is there any hurry, if they do ever intend going they certainly cannot like our trying to get there first.
Our C., B. & N. bonds come in slowly, 2-1/4 millions still out Saturday. It looks as if Sept. would be the largest month we ever had.
Yours sincerely, F. W. Hunnewell.