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  • Title: Letter from G. W. Holdrege to C. E. Perkins
  • Date: July 30, 1900
  • Author: Holdrege, George Ward, 1847-1926
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Dear Sir:

I enclose herewith copy of a recent estimate made by Mr. Weeks, our Chief Engineer, covering the entire cost of the line from Toluca to Cody, and blue print of this branch as located.

The original plan was to build about 110 miles. The importance of occupying the Shoshone or Stinking Water Valley beyond the 110 mile point was subsequently explained to you, and with your approval it was decided to locate the terminus, for the present at least, at or near Cody, 131.5 miles from Toluca.

The appropriation that has been made ($250,000.00) has been sufficient to occupy the Big Horn Basin, and thus to settle the question of territory with the Northern Pacific road, provided we proceed without too much delay in completing the line as located.

Mr. Weeks' estimate indicates the work that will be done under the existing appropriation. The forces now at work will consume the present appropriation about November 30th.

The most economical and convenient way to complete this line will be to use the forces now located there, and thus save unnecessary transportation of men, tools and supplies. The heavy work in Pryor Gap can be handled to good advantage in winter. If the necessary appropriation for completing this branch can be made in August, we would expend before the end of 1900 about $125,000.00 in addition to the first appropriation of $250,000.00. In the first four months of 1901 about $250,000.00 would be expended, and the balance would be required May to September.

In this way the track-laying could be started about April 15th and finished about September 1st. This would be in time to secure stock and wool shipments for next year, and to take into the basin autumn supplies of all kinds, and thus to obtain a considerable return upon the investment in 1901.

If this plan can be adopted and announced in August, settlement and development of the entire country in the basin would be stimulated very materially. We are constantly asked when we expect to complete the line, and have thus far been obliged to evade the question to some extent.

I am confident that the construction of this extension will secure to our line a large and valuable territory, and that the results in the end will be entirely satisfactory. I would strongly recommend, therefore, that the appropriation for the completion of the line should be made in August.

Our plan has been to use second hand rail for this purpose, and the price given by Mr. Weeks is for second hand rails. I would suggest that it is desirable to obtain delivery on steel for repairs in 1901 in sufficient time to take up the second hand rail during the first four months of the year for use on the Toluca line.

Yours respectfully, (Sgd.) G. W. Holdrege. Mr. C. E. Perkins, Pres't, Burlington.
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