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  • Title: Letter from T. E. Calvert to G. W. Holdrege
  • Date: February 4, 1901
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Mr. G. W. Holdrege, General Manager, Omaha. Dear Sir,—

Yours 31st in regard to matters at Cody, received.

We estimate cost of Grading and Bridging only; line west from [sic] common point north of Shoshone River near Corbett.

To Cody as now located South of River, $163,141.00
To a point on North side of River opposite Cody, 43,972.00
To a common point North of River in Canon above Cody via the north side line — Not crossing Shoshone River, 101,697.00
To a common point north of River in Canon above, Cody as above referred to running thro Cody and crossing Shoshone River twice, 289,879.00

With each month there are new developments in the Basin which influence to a certain extent the commercial conditions there. When we built or rather started to locate and prepare for building into the Basin. Mr. Perkins desire was, as I understood it, to build to a point in the basin where we would be in a position to lessen the temptation of the Northern Pacific to start into the Basin with a line at some future time and where we could establish a good trading point. When we started on this work Cody had his irrigation scheme in full blast and it looked as though he was going right along with it and that Cody for sometime would be the center of things in the Basin, and as Cody was just the point we would want to go to head off the N.P. it seemed clear that Cody was the proper place to land from both the commercial and strategical considerations.

Cody is still the point from the strategical standpoint; but the apparent failure of Cody's people to accomplish anything in way of developing his country, and the large amount of work done by the Mormans below Corbett and the improvement acually made in past year or two, and the promised further development in the Dry Creek and Greybull Country has changed the situation somewhat Commercially in my judgement. And while I still think we should go to the vicinity of Cody now. I doubt if we are warranted in spending very much money in getting across the river to Cody.

I send you herewith a blue print of the Basin Country. The greatest agricultural development in the Basin is north and east of the dark blue line. The business of this country north east of the Blue line will probably go to point marked "A" which we have named Garland. The business south and west of Blue line which is mostly stock, and what mining development will give us, will go to Cody.

If we should always stop at Cody then I should say it was important we should cross the river and come to the south side, because it is somewhat difficult to team down into the channel made by the river and get out again because of it being so deep.

If we ever extend the line a shown in green to "B" and extend the Cody line through the Cedar Mountain Canon to the forks of the north and south forks of the Stinking water at "E" (and it seems reasonable to assume we will do both in the not very distant future) there will be practically no business at Cody.

The points "A" "B" and "E" would cut the business of Cody off almost entirely. If we extend thro the Canon to "E" and build no line to "B" Cody would get but little trade because most of the trade of the Country would go to either "A" or "E"

We can locate a point on north side of river opposite Cody; but while not so large and desirable a flat of ground as that on which Cody proper is located, it is I think, practicable. It is quite desirable that we get where we can have water for irrigation; but I have little faith that Cody will now succeed in making permanent arrangements for getting and keeping water on his, Cody, town site: it will require more money and care than his organization has will probably put into it.

So that considering this question of what ought to be done at Cody now, we must assume some conditions which will probably exist in future. I should say we ought to build to a point opposite Cody if not to Cody now. As to the importance of going to it depends on whether we will go to "E" in near future. It not, I think we should cross the river. If going to "E" in the near future is probable then I should say do not cross the river.

Yours truly, (Signed) T. E. Calvert
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