Northern Pacific Railway Company, Office of the President, St. Paul, Minn., April 2, 1900.Personal.
Mr. Geo. B. Harris, Second Vice-Pres't, Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy R. R., Chicago, Ill. Dear Mr. Harris:Your personal favor of the 24th ult., regarding your proposed line into the Big Horn Basin, was duly received and has had careful consideration.
Much of what you say regarding the relations of our two companies, and the understanding that existed with its former management, is new to me, but I have no reason to question the correctness of the same.
I am very much pleased at the disposition you manifest toward our company, and beg to assure you that I am equally disposed to promote and cement the relations now existing, and I believe we are in a fair way to regard you, in a very short time, as our most important connection.
I may say in conclusion that your position in regard to the Big Horn Basin is satisfactory to us, and, while we regret to lose the contribution of business we have heretofore had from that country, your rights seem clearly established and we acquiesce in the situation.
It may be possible, later, that we shall want to extend our Bridger line to the Bear Creek coal field, which is about fifteen miles south, we having acquired considerable acreage in said field, and being in negotiation for the balance. But that, I assume, is a matter of no very great importance to your company.
I am very glad, indeed, that you have taken pains to write me so fully regarding this matter, and the frankness that has been exhibited on both sides is, I believe, a good augury for future friendly relations between us.
Yours, very truly, (Signed) C. S. Mellen,President.