Referring to our conversation in Burlington, relative to the Big Horn Basin Extension.
I wrote you September 15th and 16th, 1899, relative to this matter. The facts remain as stated in these communications.
The Mormon settlement along the Grey Bull River has increased considerably this year. Our General Agent at Salt Lake City has ascertained from the Officers of the Mormon Church that arrangements have been made to send five hundred (500) families to a location along the Stinking Water or Shoshone River close to a point where our survey strikes that valley. These settlers will go into the Basin country with the necessary means to make a start, and with the experience and energy required to be successful in a new country. Under the arrangements made with the Governor of Wyoming, they are to obey the laws of the United States. They are not polygamists, and Governor Richards is very enthusiastic in the belief that this will be the commencement of a large settlement in the Basin country.
The Mussellshell Valley, north of Billings, is being occupied by an extension of the local road which started several years ago. This will shut off shipments from the Judith Basin into Billings, and our road at Billings will finally be in a pocket, surrounded by Northern Pacific lines, and more at the mercy of the Northern Pacific than at present, unless we secure this proposed territory on the south.
I believe it would be wise to authorize an expenditure this year of half of the amount required for grading, — say three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00), — and to take possession in this way of the Big Horn Basin country. This would undoubtedly dissuade the Northern Pacific from building, at least until the country develops sufficiently to sustain two roads. The remainder of the grading could be finished in the winter and spring of 1901 and the track completed in 1901 without running any risk of losing possession.
Yours respectfully, G. W. Holdrege Mr. C. E. Perkins Pres't, Boston.