Return in Ten Days to Scout's Rest Ranch, F. H. Garlow, Mgr.
North Platte, - - - Nebraska.
U. S. Pos[?] Two Ce[?]
J. H. Tait [?]
Mrs. W. F. Cody,
F. H. Garlow, Manager.
..Scout's Rest Ranch..
Baled Alfalfa and Prairie Hay . . . .
North Platte, Neb.,
Your letter from Phoenix recd. I appreciate all your good work for me. And you will not loose by it. I sincerely hope you can bring Brady to make good at least part of the money he got. Get the Dope from the Carlo & Miles then we will go after Brady.
I know you will push the drilling fast as possible. Did you get a letter from Me. in which I told you how we could hold our location claims
Did Dr Perrin come to see you?
Five big Standard Rigs like ours commenced drilling near Cody last week. And they have ten more coming. Its a French Syndicate putting up the Money. The well I am interested near Cody. have struck both gas & oil. I am leaving for New York today. Will be Trenton. 13th to 19th Harrisburg Pa 20th- Reading 22- Allentown 23d- Wilkesbarre Pa. 24- Scranton 25. Patterson N. J. 27 Brooklyn 29 to May 3d.
God bless and prosper you Love to all the Boys Col