Founded by W. F. Cody,—Buffalo Bill
American Plan Only
Rates $4 and $5 Per Day
The Irma Hotel
Cody, Wyoming, _____ 191__
so surprised in getting a nice letter from you, I knew you were in Arizona, but where did not know, Yes Fred and Irma passed away 3 days apart, Fred died with Flu, but has work so hard to keep Hotel, she got so nervous and, when Fred died she collapsed, with leakage of the Head, she got so fat also— here I am left with out one of my family and now these 3 little pets they do not miss there mother I took care of them all the time, and lived in annex, and cook for them the war has completely broke us up and the war is terrible, Cody never got your letter in camp Cody
as he would have answered it, Cody is across the water sailed the morning Fred died, he was with his sister Clara when he heard the news in London, have not heard from him since I am selling off every thing and trying to get things in money where I will live god only knows. have to stay here a while? May go to California, its to early yet to tell have to settle the state first
Well did you think I had to raise another family have been doing since Cody died snow 4 in to day but I am getting taken care of by the man I got in hotel. it is worlds wonder Fred and Irma died and I left with children Cody has left nothing Fred and Irma 4,000. I will know more when I settle up all though people here says I will not want. With love—
Mrs. C.children all sends Kiss Irma remembers you