Progressive Congressional Committee
Munsey Building
Washington, D. C.
William M. Hinebaugh, Ill., Chairman
Arthur R. Rupley, Pa., Secretary
Willis J. Hullings, Pa., Treasurer
The Progressive Congressional Committee has already written your state chairman urging the nomination of Progressive candidates for Congress in each Congressional District of your state. The reports received by our committee from the various states are very encouraging indeed, and are evidence of the fact that the Progressive Party will go into the Congressional battle of 1914 very much alive.
May we not hope for your cooperation with your State Chairman, and with us, to the end that a clean-cut, manly, straight-forward Progressive fight may be made in your State for Congressional, Legislative and County tickets.
If we make a red-hot fight, and nominate clean and able men for office, we shall not only win in many cases but we shall have a trained army for the great battle of 1916.
Yours very respectfully, W. H. HinebaughChairman.