George Arlington
General Manager
Jos. C. Miller
Edward Arlington
General Agent
"Buffalo Bill" (Himself) And The 101 Ranch Shows Combined with The Military Pageant "Prepardness"
I have written direct to some Army friends of mine who are on the border. And to find out the conditions be fore apply ing to Washington. I'll let you know result of investigation.
Like all shows we have had warm weather. But its cool and nice now. If you remember Tell me how you done in Broken Bow. the little town in the sand hills. You sure are making some long Jumps. Did you do anything in Trinidad.
Say the town of Cody is coming in to its own. Two & three hundred people a day going & coming the Cody trail in to the Park. The Irma & Pahaska
are doing a tremendious business. Am going to double the capacity of the Irma for next season-
Irma and Cody are at TE. They had twenty two Dudes all through July. Expect forty to stay through Aug and September. They get $500 a day for each dude. With a saddle horse or 100 a month without horse. Cody is in his glory rangling the dudes— he has thirty saddle horses. Irma has a splendid garden— The dudes live on young sage chickens & fish mostly which they kill & catch them selves.
Irma & Cody are have got a snap for October & November Fred has two big hunting parties booked. Jim Jeffrey & Barney Olefield in one party. We close season Oct 28th then Carlo & I hike for the hunting camp which will be established a bridger lake— We look for 9 days big business at our Chicago round up—
The Ball Park seats sixteen thousand people Joe Miller is at 101 ranch. Sending Buckers Buffalo. Wild Bulls. long horned steers— Wild unbroken horses & mules. allso two hundred goats. fifty Indians from Pine Ridge and twenty blooded Indian bucking horse riders. who will ride
George Arlington
General Manager
Jos. C. Miller
Edward Arlington
General Agent
"Buffalo Bill" (Himself) And The 101 Ranch Shows Combined with The Military Pageant "Prepardness"
I am feeling fine. if the heat did oppress me— for a while.
For I am doing well. and that makes one buck up—
Kindest wishes to your self and my friends Col.