On December 18, 1915, I addressed a letter to you at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, calling attention to the fact that the Department had never received a set of the motion picture films of pictures taken on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, during the latter part of the year 1913, but as yet have not received a reply to this communication, nor have the films been delivered to the Department.
As it was understood that the Interior Department would be furnished with a set of these films, and as I have been informed that it is an expressed desire of yours that the Departmet receive the pictures, will you not kindly give the matter your personal attention to the end that delivery may be expedited.
Cordially yours, (Sgd) E. J. AYERS [1]Chief Clerk.
Note 1: Ezekiel Jarman Ayers (1866-1931) was Chief Clerk, Department of Interior, Superintendent of Buildings, and Acting Assistant Secretary of Interior; he was appointed by Secretary of War Franklin K. Lane in 1911, serving until his resignation in 1920. [back]