JAN 28 1916
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR January 27th —16 E. J. Ayers [1] , Chief Clerk Department of the Interior Washington D. C. Dear Sir
In reply to your favor of Jan 14th 1916 — Will say The reason the of the long delay for the delivery of the Indian War Pictures was that I was in the west. But in December last I took the Reels my self to Washington. I called at Secretary Lanes [2] office. But failing to find him I called on Secretary Garrison [3] . And left the Reels or Films with his Secretary who promised to notify Secretary Lane that he had a set of the Reels or films for his department. If you will kindly communicate with with the Secretary to Secretary Garrison, I think you will find everything allright.
Very truly yours Ans'd JAN 29 1916 W. F. CodyThe address above will reach me.
Note 1: Ezekiel Jarman Ayers (1866-1931) was Chief Clerk, Department of Interior, Superintendent of Buildings, and Acting Assistant Secretary of Interior; he was appointed by Secretary of War Franklin K. Lane in 1911, serving until his resignation in 1920. [back]
Note 2: Franklin Knight Lane (1864-1921) served as United States Secretary of the Interior from 1913 to 1920. [back]
Note 3: Lindley Miller Garrison (1864-1932), New Jersey lawyer, served as Secretary of War under President Woodrow Wilson between 1913 and 1916. [back]