Your letter of the 27th instant has been received, in which you state that a set of films for this Department was left by you with the Private Secretary to the Secretary of War. for return and delivery to this Department.
I have to advise you that I had a representative from this office call on the Private Secretary above referred to with request for delivery of the films to this Department, and he was informed that upon your calling at the War Department you arranged to have a messenger from that department call at the Willard Hotel, which he did, and was given a box containing six films, four of which were made by you, and two others to be shown in connection therewith. It was stated that all were originals, and no duplicates were left with the War Department for delivery to this Department.
The War Department now claims these six reels under the agreement which they said they made with you that they
should be supplied with a complete set of the pictures. It would appear, therefore, from their understanding that they were entitled to this set of films, and as there were no duplicates left with them, this Department is still without a set.I would be pleased to have you take this matter up with the War Department, if you think it desirable, as they have declined to surrender the reels left with them to this Department. Otherwise, the Department would be glad to hear further from you relative to furnishing a complete set of these films in accordance with our understanding.
Kindly advise me in the matter.
Very truly yours, (Sgd) E. J. AYERS [1] Chief ClerkNote 1: Ezekiel Jarman Ayers (1866-1931) was Chief Clerk, Department of Interior, Superintendent of Buildings, and Acting Assistant Secretary of Interior; he was appointed by Secretary of War Franklin K. Lane in 1911, serving until his resignation in 1920. [back]