Buffalo Bill's Resorts in the Rockies:
American Plan Only
Rates $3 and $4 Per Day
W. F. Cody, Proprietor
F. H. Garlow, Manager
Pahaska Tepee
One and one-half mles from the Yellowstone Park Eastern Entrance. Open June 1 to November 1.
$3 Per day; American Plan.
Saddle Horses $1.50 Per Day
Fishing and Big Game Hunting.
Buffalo Bill's Home TE Ranch
Open to tourists the Year 'Round.
$100 Per Month, Including Use of Saddle Horse.
Fishing and Big Game Hunting.
Cody, Wyoming,
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR A. J. Ayers [1] Washington Dear Sir.
In regard to the Reels and Enclosed letter from the Essanay people. Mr Spoor
[2] was told by my self That a sett of the Reels were to go to the Interior Dept. as well as to the War Dept. I have written this to the Company. and if the Co dont carry out their obligations Ill pay personally for a sett of reels and send them to the Interior
Department. But I cant do this until I get my show started.
I promised Secretary Franklin K Lane [3] His department should have a sett. And Ill see he gets them
Very truly yours W. F. Cody Permanent Address Cody WyoNote 1: Ezekiel Jarman Ayers (1866-1931) was Chief Clerk, Department of Interior, Superintendent of Buildings, and Acting Assistant Secretary of Interior; he was appointed by Secretary of War Franklin K. Lane in 1911, serving until his resignation in 1920. [back]
Note 2: George Kirke Spoor (1872-1953) was an early film pioneer who, along with Gilbert M. "Broncho Billy" Anderson (1880-1971), founded Essanay Studios in Chicago in 1907. The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company helped organize "The Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) Historical Pictures Company." [back]
Note 3: Franklin Knight Lane (1864-1921) served as United States Secretary of the Interior from 1913 to 1920. [back]