Sir Mr. Angel of Leavenworth will be the bearer of a petition from the citizens of this place to you for the appointment of Mr. Duncan a Justice of Peace. You will notice two names from the roll of your company on the petition, We privately ask you to give it a favorable consideration if you can consistently
Geo. Campbell is here - was hit by a spent ball in the last Indian fight. Ramsy & Lyon are on the present expedition. Capt Barker called in today
Loss in the Indian fight three killed seventeen wounded

Forty horses & quite a number of arms
We are making a start in the Grocery & Provision line Please accept our kind regards
Hoping that you will honor our petion
I Remain Yours Truly Geo. W. Spencer P.O. Address Ft Hays Kans In care Lull & Brothers,
Ellis Co. 2 p.
Spencer, Geo. W.,
Rome, Kansas.
(Aug 26, 1867)
Refers to Indian Fighting
(Mail from Ft. Hays)
Requests the appt of Mr. Duncan as a Justice of the Peace.
Kansas State Historical Society 97-.56 495 Archives Department

Governor Crawford
Topeka Kansas
We the many Sitizens of this place near Fort Hayes must respectfully request the appointment of Mr. J. G. Duncan A Justice of the Peace of this Town as it is very important and your many friends will duly prey
NamesDr. J.K. Lull, Jr.
Wm. Rose
E. Polly
B.B. Miller Co. A 2nd
J. F. Walker
Wm. DeSeltor, H. V. C[?]
Ewd. Simson
J.B.C North
Mat Flynn
J.W. Uncapher
Jas. B. Adams
Geo. Garing
Asa E. Johnson
George Derrickson
Geo. W. Spencer formerly of Co. A 2nd H.V.C.
J. Humber
H. McHenry
Bartrell Ward
George Ward

W.E. Spinner
J. M. Gray
Dear Sir
In an organization of a town at this point We see the great nessacity of having propper officers to conduct the affairs of Justice My past experiences in Salina & Ellsworth teaches me that we cant be to hasty in having the above appointment made. This petition was to of been handed to you in person by Mr Angel of Leavenworth but his leaving from Ft. Hays to go [?] instead of the town he could not take it. Hoping that the above will meet with your contg.[?] favor
I remain yours respectfully Dr. J.K. Lull Jr.
Ellis Co. 2 p.
Duncan, J. G. Aug. 26, 1867
Rome Russell Co. Kansas
(Abandoned when Hays City was platted. Rome was located 1/2 m. west of Hays City. See Andrews p. 1291)
Petition 22 men for his appointment as Justice of the Peace. (Including W. F. Cody).
(Not granted, the county being unattached for judicial purposes.)
(Appt - Spec. Co. Com. Oct-28, 1867)
Kansas State Historical Society. 495. Archives Department.
Rec. and ans.[?] Sept. 6, 1867.