Buffalo Bill and his partner say they want two or three more seasons of such prosperity as has been attending their efforts this Summer, and then they will buy Staten Island and turn it into an Indian reservation. The exhibition has been open seven weeks and the attendance has steadily moreased. The night performances are particularly popular. When Ellen Terry saw the show two seasons ago she arose in her box and exclaimed to Henry Irving, her escort, "Oh! this is what I could come a hundred times to see and never tire of looking at. This is my ideal of an entertainment." The most distinguished men of the Nation have applauded the show. It only costs 10 cents to get to Erastina, the sail being one of the attractions of the entertainment. The camp will be open all day to-day, the admission being only 25 cents. A visit affords an excellent opportunity of seeing how the Indians, cowboys, and the animals of the company pass the day.