The Wild West Show in Berlin.
BERLIN, July 26.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West show is prospering. M. Herbeter, [1] the French ambassador, Mr. Phelps, [2] the American minister, and a number of other dsplomats and Americans were present at the opening performance. The health commissioner insisted upon a general inspection before he would sanction the opening of the exhibition.
Note 1: M. Herbeter is probably Maurice Jules Herbette (-d.1902) who was appointed the French Ambassador to Berlin in 1886. He retired from this appointment after ten years service to his country. Herbette died suddenly on December 18, 1902. [back]
Note 2: William Walter Phelps (1839-1894), a successful banker and Congressman from the state of New Jersey, was appointed United States Ambassador to Germany and Austria-Hungary by President Benjamin Harrison in 1889. [back]