Indians at Police Headquarters.
The small boys of the tenements around Police Headquarters were treated to a strange spectacle yesterday afternoon. Down Mulberry Street to the white stone building which keeps the criminal secrets of New-York came, in full war paint, Keeps-the-Mountain and Brave Bird, Chiefs of Indian Police in the employ of the Government at the Pine Ridge Agency, and the latter's little son, Chi-calla, (Little Money.) Just now they are parts of Buffalo Bill's Wild West, and seized the opportunity afforded by their presence in the city to see the big stone wigwam of the bluecoats of this city.
Followed by a crowd of admiring youngsters, the chiefs marched in stately fashion into the building, where, under the conductorship of Capt. Murphy, they visited the detective bureau, the museum, and Rogue's Gallery, and all the other sights Headquarters has to show.
Keeps-the-Mountain, speaking for both chiefs, said they were much impressed by what they had seen. Brave Bird expressed his sense of the superiority of the methods adopted by the white people in keeping prisoners behind bars until they were wanted.