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  • Title: Notes and Gleanings
  • Periodical: New York Times
  • Date: November 9, 1913
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The stirring scenes of frontier life are to be perpetuated in motion pictures, and especially the vanishing civilization of the redmen. The Army and Navy Journal describes the recent journey to Pine Ridge of Gen. MILES, accompanied by Gens. LEE, MAUS, and BALDWIN, to act against the peace pact between the Indians and the whites that averted a bad Indian war in the Winter of 1890-91. The allegiance there pledged to the White Father at Washington is still unbroken. Pictures of the battle at Wounded Knee have been reproduced with the help of its still living participants. Other Indian fights, the most notable being that with War Bonnet in 1876, in which Buffalo Bill participated, have been reproduced for film records that will soon be spread before the millions who patronize the cinema theatres.

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