Many Government Officials Guests of Secretary Lane.
National Press Club Has Special Exhibit in Columbia Thater — Members of Congress Applaud Pictures.
Col. William F. Cody's motion pictures, depicting early life on the frontier, which were shown at the New Home Club on Thursday night, were repeated there last night, the audience being composed of guests of Secretary of the Interior Lane. President Wilson was invited, but was unable to attend. The thrilling scenes of the old frontier campaigns brought forth periodical applause.
Among those present last night were Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Lane; Secretary of Labor Wilson, former Secretary of the Interior W. L. Fischer, Assistant Secretary of the Interior and Mrs. Jones, Senator and Mrs. Francis E. Warren, of Wyoming, Senator and Mrs. Benjamin R. Tillman, of South Carolina; Senator John F. Shafroth, of Colorado; Representative and Mrs. William R. Smith, of Texas; Representative and Mrs. James A. Frear, of Wisconsin; Representative and Mrs. Addison T. Smith, of Idaho; Representative and Mrs. Phillip P. Campbell, of Kansas; Representative William H. Murray, of Oklahoma; Representative Nicholas J. Sinnett, of Oregon; Representative and Mrs. Clarence Miller, of Minnesota; Representative William Kent, of California, Representative and Mrs. James M. Graham, of Illinois; Representative and Mrs. John H. Stephens, of Texas; Representative and Mrs. John E. Raker, of California.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Mrs. Cato Sells, Commissionar of General Land Office and Mrs. Clay Tallman; George Otis Smith, director of the geological survey; Thomas Ewing, commissioner of patents; J. A. Holmes, director of the bureau of mines; Dr. Van Barveneld, director mining and metallurgical exhibit of Panama-Pacific Exposition; Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Mrs. E. B. Merritt; Franklin K. Lane, jr.; Dr. and Mrs. Sheap, of Idaho, and Frank Johnson, of Denver.
The second performance of the picture armies was given yesterday afternoon in the Columbia Theater, under the auspices of the National Press Club.