West Point Class of '75 Plans Spectacular Movie of the Scout.
Buffalo Bill's biography is to be the subject of a motion picture, which also will be a record of the rapidly vanishing country in which he attained his fame as an Indian fighter and a colonizer, it was announced yesterday at Princeton by Major Gen. Hugh L. Scott, retired.
Plans for the picture, General Scott stated, were made at the fiftieth anniversary of the class of '75 at West Point week before last. The late Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles had suggested the idea, and Major Gen. Scott, who was a close associate with William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), developed it. The picture will be based on the biography of Buffalo Bill, entitled "The Last of the Great Scouts," written by his sister and produced by Miss Catherine Curtis of 351 Madison Avenue.
Associated with General Scott in the gathering data for the film, which it is said will be one of the most spectacular ever produced, are the Major Gen. E. S. Godfrey, retired, a close friend of Buffalo Bill; Major H. R. Lemly, retired; Colonel R. Brown. Major Sherman Miles, son of General Miles, and various officers who campaigned with Buffalo Bill.