Fights Are Filmed
Essanay Reproduces Famous Battles With Braves Who Fought Them As Actors
Buffalo Bill Assembles Veteran Warriors of the Plains to Reenact for the Pictures the Bloody Conflicts in which They Figured in Years Gone By.
As the result of the expedition made by Colonel William F. Cody, better known the length and breadth of the continent and abroad as "Buffalo Bill," and other famous warriors, American history will still further be preserved through the medium of the moving pictures. These gentlemen have just returned from an expedition to South Dakota and have brought with them more than 30,000 feet of film, nearly every foot of which contains some breath of excitement and adventure.
To reproduce these scenes of the Indian wars of North America it required the service of some 3,000 men, women and horses; some of the scenes requiring up to 2,000 individuals in their production, and the action extends over more than 2,000 miles of territory. Those interested left Chicago for the Pine Ridge Indian Agency in South Dakota and from September 26, to November 1, last, they were busily engaged in real, hard work.
The story is well told by Colonel Cody, who explained his object in taking these pictures before an audience of which the Hon. Franklin K. Lane, secretary of the interior, other members of President Wilson's cabinet, members of both branches of Congress, and other dignitaries, which gathered at the New Home club, on Jackson Place, Washington, D.C.; Friday evening, Feb. 27, to witness the first exhibition of these most wonderful pictures. "My object and desire," said Buffalo Bill, "has been to preserve history by the aid of the camera with as many of the living participants in the closing Indian wars of North America as could be procured. It is something that has never been done before; that is, to preserve our old wars for future generations by living or moving pictures.
T. HAYES HUNTER Director in Chief Colonial Motion Picture Corporation.
No five-cent novel of our boyhood days is nearly as exciting as are these pictures; the war dances of the Indians in the native costumes, the encircling of the camps of the settlers, the killing of settlers and Indians and the burning of camps and tepees, horse rustling, scalping, real battles between redskins and troops, wonderful rescues and other hair-raising thrillers are all to be found in the reels.
In "Sealed Orders," a two reel feature written by Will M. Ritchey, the Lubin Films present a play in which there is a forecast of future possibilities.
War between Mexico and the United States threatens. Herrara, minister of war of Mexico, has his secret service scattered at different points throughout the United States and selects Arturo Velarde, who, with his sister, Elena, has been identified with the secret service, to go to San Francisco under guise of a yachting cruise and there get information regarding the movements of the Pacific fleet. Herrara gives Velarde a letter of introduction to Lieutenant Donald Spier, of the U. S. S. "Denver," whom he had met in earlier days before the possibility of trouble had developed. Arturo and his sister sail on their steam yacht "Lucero" and in due time arrive at San Francisco bay where most of the Pacific fleet is stationed. They go aboard the "Denver" and present their letter of introduction to Lieutenant Spier upon whom Elena's charms make a profound impression. The acquaintance between the two is, however, suddenly interrupted by reason of Spier receiving an order to proceed at once to Washington. From this point political intrigue weaves a snare by which the helpless girl is compelled to connive in a plot which nearly costs the lives of herself and her lover. During a naval battle Elena learns that when, in the heart of a Mexican, love and duty clash, duty must give way. Brought together during the conflict, the seeds of love are sown in fruitful soil which later yields its harvest under the balmy skies of sunny Mexico.