Alice Brady, who is not only extremely popular but is one of the most successful actresses of the screen, has a particularly pleasing and powerful role in "The Hungry Heart," the most recent release by the World Film Company, which will be seen at Phillips Egypt Monday and Tuesday. Remarkably effective scenes, splendid costuming, a thrilling story from the famous play "Frou Frou" characterize the film. The play tells a consistent, highly interesting story in a thoroughly pleasing manner wherein little Frou Frou, who marries against her own will in order to please her father, repents, runs away with a former sweetheart, but realizes she has learned to care for her husband and home after it is too late, and returns home just in time to be forgiven by her husband before she dies.
House Peters at Strand.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday the Strand will offer as its chief attraction "The Happiness of Three Women," with House Peters and Myrtle Steadman in the leading roles. The play is from Albert Payson Terhune's clever story and should prove a great attraction with the combination of House-Steadman for stars and such an excellent story.
Wilfred Lucas and Olga Gray will be the featured stars at the Hippodrome the first three days this week in a five-part drama, "Jim Bludso," which is from the Fine Arts studios and one of its very best productions. "A Male Governess," a two-part Keystone comedy, and the Pathe news pictures will complete the program for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
"The Heights of Hazard," a five-part Vitagraph drama with Charles Richmond and Eleanor Woodruff in the leading roles will be seen at the Rex Monday only. Tuesday, Robert Edeson in "The Cave Man" will replace "The Heights of Hazard." "Twin Flats," a one-reel comedy, will be on the Monday program.
The late Col. William F. Cody, who, during his lifetime, was seen in person in every city in the Unites States, will be featured in a five-reel picture, "The Adventures of Buffalo Bill," at the Healy theater Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The management of the Healy theater has arranged with Frank Fraser, the cowboy musician, to furnish music for this film during its three days' engagement here. Charles Chaplin in a two-part comedy, "Night Owls," will be seen on the same program.