One woman was slain and another severely wounded by the Comanche Indians, west of the new post on the Ft. Sill military reservation Wednesday. With over a thousand soldiers not half a mile away, the cold blooded murder was accomplished, and the remaining woman was fortunate indeed in not sharing a like fate. Angered at the white men and fearing to attack them openly, the wily Indians had captured the women and were endeavoring to carry them to the Indian fastnesses in the Wichita mountains, and would not doubt, have succeeded, but for one incident.
Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) known for almost half a century as the Indians Nemisis [sic], is stopping temporarily in Lawton. Friends of the captured women appealed to him to effect their rescue, if possible, and the gallant scout responded at once. Through Col. Granger Adams, commandant at Ft. Sill, he was given a company of cavalry and almost immediately struck the trail of the Indians one half mile this side of Four Mile Crossing.
The Indian camp was sighted at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and after reconnoitering from the base of Mt. Signal, the Colonel ordered a charge, being but little outnumbered. The redskins heard the approaching cavalry but were forced to fight in the open with the result that they were soon scattered and took to flight. Colonel Cody rode straight for the chief's tent, where he expected to find the captured women, and it is sad to relate that one of the women was slain before the Colonel could slay the Indian captor. The remaining lady was severely wounded by the tomahawk.
Mrs. Olive Word Titterington, of Dallas, Texas, and prominent socially in that city, was the lady slain and Mrs. Theo W. Wharton, her friend whom she was visiting when captured, was the lady rescued. Many Indians were slain and a number of soldiers killed. Col. Cody escaped unscathed.
All in the pictures, of course.