Prominent Persons View Motion Picture Production at the Home Club.
Grizzled veterans of the Indian campaigns, members of President Wilson's Cabinet, Congressmen, and a host of other distinguished persons viewed with astonishment moving pictures of the Indian battles of long ago as the guests of the Home Club, 14 Jackson place, last evening.
Secretary Franklin K. Lane, president of the club, and Mrs. Lane received the guests, assisted by the club officers. The room where the pictures were shown was crowded when the first reel was started. Col. William E. Cody ("Buffalo Bill") was not only one of the principal figures in the pictures, but was present in person, and was presented to the guests as they arrived.
The most astonished persons in the audiences at the faithfulness and realism of the pictures were the officers of the army who made them possible by fighting the original battles and who viewed the films for the first time. Brig. Gen. W. P. Hall, who was in many of the battles that were reproduced, declared that he had not believed it was possible to make such pictures.
He expressed himself as amazed at the work of the army officers and Indian chiefs who were shown on the screen, and said that he remembered not only the country in which the battles took place but could also recognize some of the famous maneuvers executed by the troops to outwit the Indians.
Secretary Lane announced that copies of the films would be filed with the records of the War Deaprtment [sic] and Interior Department. It is understood that the films will be exhibited publicly.
The first exhibition of the pictures at the Columbia Theater yesterday afternoon, under the auspices of the Press Club, was attended by a large number of the army officers stationed in Washington, as well as members of Congress, Government officials, newspaper men, and others. The theater was crowded, and the spectators were generous with their applause.