Colonel the Hon. W. F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill" is narrating his experiences and adventures in the Globe. The adventures range between terrible single-handed combats with famous Indian chiefs and the numerous social and other difficulties incident to his life in the Far West. Colonel Cody says:—I had been elected a magistrate for the State of Nebraska, and was one evening astonished by the visit of one of the sergeants of the post who desired to be married. There was no clergy-man in the country, and I, as the representative of the law, was therefore empowered to tie the loving couple together. There was one awkward point, however. I had never performed a civic marriage, or even assisted at one, and the statutes of Nebraska contained nothing in the way of form of directions. I therefore had perforce to rely on my ingenuity on this occasion, and felt somewhat confused. The time arrived, and with it the pair of lovers. I turned to them, and said to the bridegroom
"Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to support and love her through life?"
"I do," replied the man.
"And do you," I said to the bride, "take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do," said the woman.
"Then join hands, and know that I pronounce you two to be man and wife, and whomsoever Buffalo Bill joins together let no man put asunder."
It was not, perhaps, strictly formal, but it did well enough. The pair were married and were contented, and I believe lived very happy together ever after.