German | English

— Die gestrige dritte Vorstellung von Buffalo Bill's „Wild West“ wurde durch den Besuch Sr. Excellenz des Herrn Kriegsministers General der Cavallerie Grafen v. Fabrice und andere Notabilitäten ausgezeichnet. Unter den reichlich 8000 Besuchern befanden sich zahlreiche Offiziere; fast vollzählig war das Offiziercorps des Gardereiter – Regiments vertreten. Abends besuchte Oberst Cody (Buffalo Bill), der im Pictoria–Hotel logirt, das Residenztheater. Die interessante Truppe begiebt sich von Dresden nach Leipzig, woselbst die Productionen auf der Rennbahn am Nonnenholz stattfinden.
English | German
— Yesterday, the third performance of Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" was attended by His Excellency the War Minister and General of the Cavalry Counts, v. Fabrice, and other notabilities. Numerous officers were among the 8,000 visitors; the officer corps of the Guard Rider–Regiment was represented almost in its entirety. In the evening, Colonel Cody (Buffalo Bill), who was lodged at the Pictoria Hotel, visited the Residenz Theatre. This interesting troupe will go from Dresden to Leipzig, [1] where the production will take place on the racetrack at Nonnenholz.
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Dresden, Germany, June 1-16, 1890, and in Leipzig, Germany, June 17-22, 1890. [back]