SALE OF BUFFALO BILL'S STOCK.—Yesterday forenoon a sale of the surplus stock of animals belonging to the "Wild West" Show took place at the Manchester Racecourse, when there was a good attendance of buyers and spectators. Mr. Cross, [1] the well-known Liverpool naturalist, was present and secured the principal wild animals. A large buffalo was knocked down to him for £101, after some spirited bidding; and he also secured three elks for £19, £27, and £26 respectively. The well-known circus proprietors, Messrs. Sanger, [2] were also represented, and to them went a pair of grey mules for £31, a she elk for £21, two American deer for £10, a pair of reindeer, with sledge and harness, for £40; besides several horses. A pair of splendid carriage horses were bought by Mr. Goodall, [3] of Altrincham, for £80; and a bear fell to Mr. Cross for £20. For the remainder of the horses and ponies the prices reached from £5 10s. to £24 10s.
Note 1: William Cross (1840-1900), a well-known naturalist and dealer of wild animals from Liverpool, England. [back]
Note 2: John Sanger (1816-1889) and his brother George Sanger (1825-1911) were English circus proprietors. [back]
Note 3: Mr. B. Goodall, a noted horse breeder of Altrincham, England, who challenged Buffalo Bill's mustangs in a horse race. The mustangs won the race. [back]