"The Wild West" opens on Thursday, in the East-end Exhibition buildings, Duke Street, which have been converted into a gigantic circus, with an auditorium capable of seating 7000 of an audience, that is an audience which would fill St. Andrew's Hall twice over. Everybody has heard of "The Wild West," the show of shows. Its inventor, or at least its chief, "Buffalo Bill," has a name which has become a household word over two continents. A trained soldier, a daring and skilful scout, he is also an enterpreneur of amazing enterprise and skill. To find his equal one must read over once more "The Scalp Hunters," and the life of Barnum. On the one side his career has been as full of adventure as were those of Mayne Reid's heroes; on the other he has shown himself, as regards tact, resource, and versatility, the equal of Phineas T. himself.
As regards "The Wild West," why, the one thing that can be said concerning it is that it must be seen. "Itself can be its only parallel." Descriptions of the establishment in the east-end of Duke Street must inevitably partake of the character of an auctioneer's catalogue. What we have all got to do is to go out to the old Eastern Exhibition and make the acquaintance of "The Wild West" for ourselves.
"The Wild West" opens on Thursday, and will remain open for some eight or ten weeks. There will be nightly performances from Mondays till Saturdays, and extra performances on Thursday and Saturday afternoons.