The important football matches being played in the city on Saturday naturally brought from the country districts hundreds of enthusiasts in the game and many who had not witnessed Buffalo Bill's great show in the East-End. Consequently, a very large crowd gathered in the evening to be spectators of the very instructive and enjoyable entertainment provided at the Wild West Show. The various picturesque tableaux, which form a distinctive feature of the entertainment, were much appreciated, and the fresh vigorous singing of the Tyrolean troupe was as usual encored. The meetings which take place between the warrior tribes proved very interesting, and certainly something entirely novel, as this is the first occasion on which the Amazons from darkest Africa have been introduced to the British public. The clever feats of the marksmen were deservedly applauded. As the time is drawing near when Colonel Cody will remove his great combination not only from Glasgow but from Scotland, intending visitors would do well not to delay.