The Enterprise says that Andy Scott, the famous trapper and hunter, has just returned from a big buffalo hunt. He had with him a party of ten or twelve sportsmen, and they succeeded in felling thirteen of the bushy, ugly headed animals. On the head branch of Salt Creek, leading to Solomon, some 35 miles from Lake Sibley, another party had gone out before him to hunt, consisting of six men, named respectively, Lewis Castle, a Mr. Roberts, Mr. Tallman, Walter Haines, and two sons of a Mr. Collins. The party cannot be heard of anywhere, and it is firmly believed that they have been massacred by the Indians in that vicinity, for a number of harness buckles, some harness straps, and several bridlebits were found near one of their camping grounds, as also the filing papers of some land belonging to Lewis Castle, one of the party. The men, horses and wagens cannot be got trace of, and it is natural to presume that the cruel fate of the bloody tomahawk and scalping knife has been theirs.