International Horticultural Exhibition.
AT this deservedly popular pleasure resort the programme for the three concluding days of this week, 26th to 28th inst., is a specially noteworthy and attractive one, and cannot fail to draw large crowds of visitors, especially if the weather holds fine.
A great Summer Flower Show on an unparalleled scale is one of the attractions on the 27th and 28th—a special floral display in which every British grower of eminence and leading representatives of all Continental nations take part. There has been no horticultural show of such scope and beauty attempted since 1866, and this display illustrates in the most charming manner all the improvements and advancement that the gardener's art has accomplished within the last quarter of a century. Considering the many celebrated people who contribute to this summer flower show, and the fact that every species of summer flower, from the ordinary wayside flower to the rarest samples of hot-house products, is represented, the scene is one of extreme loveliness.
The famous band of the Paris Garde Républicaine, in addition to the band of the Grenadier Guards, under the direction of Lieutenant Dan Godfrey, will provide the music. This celebrated band—acknowledged to be the finest on the Continent—has been specially engaged to appear from May 26 to June 8 inclusive. This notable musical event has been brought about by powerful influence, and the band makes its appearance by the express permission of M. de Freycinet, the French Minister of War, and with the sanction of the English Government. The band, which is under the direction of M. Gustave Wettge, the eminent conductor and composer, comprises eighty members, and with a répertoire of 200 pieces, many of which are entirely new compositions, written expressly for this visit, there can be no doubt that a splendid series of orchestral performances will be realised. M. Wettge's forces present a most complete musical equipment, and the dash and verve of their playing will possibly have a great effect upon the music of the season generally. It will, at all events, be a special treat to all lovers of good playing to listen to a band of such renown, and interesting to compare its characteristics with those of our own military bands. It is well to note that the bands of the Garde Républicaine and the Grenadier Guards have never met except on one previous occasion, when they performed at the Boston Peace Jubilee as the representative bands of France and England. The committee are to be congratulated on their good fortune in having, although at an immense outlay, secured the services of such a magnificent and unique body of musicians.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West, which forms such a picturesque element of the exhibition, is this year a greater attraction than ever. It has received some notable accessions in a troupe of Cossacks from the Don.
A new feature is to be added to the already sufficiently attractive show at Earl's Court. On Monday last there arrived some Don Cossacks, and these, we understand, are to take part in the performance. Many persons will be attracted to the show if only to see these warriors. They will be surprised, perhaps, at their appearance, which is by no means bloodthirsty or ferocious. Put in other garments, some of them might be mistaken for members of some sedate philantrophic association, so mild is their manner and quiet their demeanour. Perhaps they will assume a different air when they give their performance. But these are from among the doughtiest and bravest warriors of Russia's huge host. They are not individually such fine men as many of those who did such signal service in the Russo-Turkish war. A Cossack, like other men, presents a different appearance in a neat and new uniform from what he does after some months', or even weeks', campaigning, when, with clothes tattered and torn, begrimed with powder and dust, and face tanned with exposure, he looks formidable enough. The party now visiting us seemed much interested in the warlike exhibitions of Buffalo Bill's braves and in the feats of marksmanship which are to be witnessed in such perfection at this still successful and remarkable show.